1. Velimir Todić, Faculty of Technical Sciences, Department for Production Engineering, Serbia
2. Dejan Lukić, Faculty of Technical Sciences, Department for Production Engineering, Serbia
Flexible manufacturing systems (FMS) represent at the same time production technology and production philosophy. FMS represent one of the ways that the manufacturing system while achieving the high level of flexibility and automation, that is considered to be agile. Design, selection and application of modern flexible manufacturing systems, or its individual elements, requires a detailed analysis and definition of a wide range of technical and economic basis for the selection of optimum solution in terms of accuracy, reliability,mobility, flexibility, productivity and economy.
In this paper exposed an approach, or methodology for the development and implementation of flexible manufacturing systems. The methodology is based on the technological basis that are formed on the principles of group technology, application of simulation techniques and multicriteria optimization.
Кључне речи:
flexible manufacturing system, development, application
Тематска област:
Производне технологије и инжењерство
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Бр. отварања:
11th International Conference on Accomplishments in Mechanical and Industrial Engineering