1. David Razboršek, Zavod VOZIM, Slovenia
2. Barbara Kos, Zavod VOZIM, Slovenia
3. Darja Topolsek, Slovenia
VOZIM, The Institute for Innovative Safe Driving Education (Zavod za inovativno izobraževanje o varni vožnji) is a
non-profit, non-governmental organization from Slovenia that was established in 2010 with the purpose of promoting the
international movement “I still drive – but I don't walk” (“Še vedno vozim – vendar ne hodim”). The idea of the development
of the movement emerged due to the large number of people that were injured in traffic accidents in Slovenia that are now
in wheel chairs due to their severe spinal injuries. Our members with spinal injuries resulting from traffic accidents share their
stories at workshops with the youngsters with the purpose of raising awareness on the importance of road safety.
Emphasis is given to the young individuals between the age of 15 and 22 that are undergoing secondary school education. It
was found when reviewing the prevention actions to ensure safety in road traffic that despite the fact that it is particularly
the group of secondary school students that are most actively involved in road traffic, content on this issue is short in high
schools in Slovenia. At the same time, the formation of the “I still drive – but I don't walk” project was also influenced by the
fact that the average age of our members on the day of their injury in a traffic accident was only 22.
It was found in the research titled “The influence of the lectures by the VOZIM Institute “I still drive – but I don't walk” on the
drivers’ safe behaviour” that the “drivers who DID attend the lectures by the VOZIM Institute “I still drive – but I don't walk”
were safer drivers when compared to the control group.
Since 2015, the lectures “I still drive – but I don't walk” are being successfully carried out in Serbia under the name “I still
drive” (“Još uvek vozim”) which points to the opportunities of including traffic accident victims in the implementation of
preventive activities for the young, in other countries as well.
Тематска област:
Управљање безбједношћу саобраћаја
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V Међународна конференција ''Безбједност саобраћаја у локалној заједници''
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