VII Међународна конференција Безбједност саобраћаја у локалној заједници -

VII Међународна конференција Безбједност саобраћаја у локалној заједници

25 - 26.10.2018.

New approach to detection of abnormal cervical cells

1. Branislava Jeftić, Univeristy of Belgrade, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, 2. Lidija Matija, Машински факултет Универзитета у Београду, Serbia
3. Djuro Koruga, Serbia

Optomagnetic Imaging Spectroscopy demonstrated high percentages of accuracy in biological sample classification, namely cervical, oral and colon samples. It enables detection of abnormal tissue and cells, and thus can be used as a diagnostic tool in screening programs. Papanicolaou smears and liquid based cytology samples were analyzed in previous studies on cervical cancer detection by Optomagnetic Imaging Spectroscopy and it was shown that this method can differentiate normal healthy tissue from the cancer tissue. So far, only binary classification of the cervical samples was performed based on optomagnetic spectra of the samples. In this paper, classification of the Papanicolaou smears into four groups (II, III, IV and V Papanicolaou groups) was tested with the Random Forest classification model that demonstrated interclass sensitivity of 49.25%, 58.97%, 50%, 44.44% for II, III, IV and V Papanicolaou group respectively, and specificity of 65.26%, 54.76%, 98.70% and 98.69% for II, III, IV and V Papanicolaou group respectively.

Кључне речи:
Optomagnetic Imaging Spectroscopy,Cervical cancer,screening test

Тематска област:
СИМПОЗИЈУМ Б - Биоматеријали и наномедицина

Датум пријаве сажетка:

Contemporary Materials 2019 - Савремени Материјали

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