Contemporary Materials 2022 - Savremeni materijali -

Contemporary Materials 2022 - Savremeni materijali

8 - 9.9.2022.

Data recording systems with TELOC - 1500 for upgrading safety systems on locomotive series 441-521

1. Тихомир Латиновић, Машински факултет Универзитета у Бањој Луци, Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina
2. Mladen Todic, Машински факултет Универзитета у Бањој Луци, Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina
3. Cristian Barz, Tehnical University of Cluj Napoca, North University Centre of Baia Mare, Romania
4. Pop-Vadean Adina Lucia, Romania
5. Pop Paul Petrica, Romania

In recent years, rail traffic is being developed in the EU and in the neighboring countries of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Republic of Srpska. In these countries rolling stock are used for cheap transport of passengers and goods, with a high reliability, high level of safety and low operating costs. In the Republic of Srpska rail traffic are used to transport goods, primarily coal and iron ore. The fleet is quite old and not very safe for traffic. Installing systems such as TELOC 1500, provides exceptional measurement and acquisition system for additional safety locomotive 441-521. This paper describes a data acquisition system for electric locomotive 441-521, with key parameters, speed, braking systems, the use of the system for alarm and memory of all the changes that occur during operation. The system further improves safety system in rail traffic. The work explains the practical operation of such a system with the analysis of the data obtained in this way, as well as opportunities offered by the introduction of such a system. The paper was written as part of a successful project commissioning test locomotives series 441-521 after implantation TELOC 1500 device. Everything is supported by real measurement data from real time analysis on rail traffic in Doboj, Republic of Srpska.

Кључне речи:
rail traffic, safety control system, electric locomotive, Teloc 1500, Real time data recording systems

Тематска област:

Датум пријаве сажетка:

13th International Conference on Accomplishments in Mechanical and Industrial Engineering

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